

At Cocoon Company you will find a wide selection of organic and hypoallergenic quilts and duvets for the whole family. Since we are all different in our opinions, physique and sleep patterns, we have created a duvet for every need. All the duvet series focus on high breathability and materials with unique temperature-regulating properties, which at the same time help to create as natural, chemical-free and hypoallergenic a sleeping environment as possible.

How do I choose among the duvets?
The unique thing about Cocoon's duvets is that they are all produced with the focus of creating a duvet with high breathability, so that the moisture from the body can ventilate through the duvet, and the best temperature-regulating properties, so that the duvet can help the body regulate heat and cold, according to the body's needs. The biggest difference between the five series of duvets therefore lies in the feel of the duvet. However, we often see that the subjective opinion has great importance in the choice of duvet. Once you get used to a certain type of duvet, it can be difficult to switch away. However, people are often incredibly surprised by how much importance a duvet with high breathability and better temperature-regulating properties can have on their sleep and quality of life. One should therefore approach the duvets with an open mind and look more at the duvet's feel and properties, rather than just the materials.

If you are in doubt about the difference between two duvets, and you want to see them against each other, you can press the "compare product" button on the product page. The duvet is then saved at the top of the page, up next to the search function. Here you can compare up to four products side-by-side.